Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Documentary Cinema Response Journals Movie Review

Documentary Cinema Response Journals - Movie Review Example Glass (1958) was a short documentary film of the Netherlands, which was directed by Bert Haanstra who was a Dutch director.The main plot of the film surrounded the glass industry of Netherlands. The film was allowed its viewers to reciprocate with handmade crystals of Dutch society, in contrary to the machine made a portion of Royal Leerdam Glass Factory with automated machines that facilitated bottle making. Haanstra’s strong stylistic interventions depicted the film through a polemical space. He has used essential origins of film language, which includes the image, sounds, and montage. My point of view regarding the documentary was largely focused on a diversified range of music jazz to techno. In the short segment of time in this documentary, artisans created various glass goods by their own hands and added up to the mass production of diversified glass product of Netherlands. According to the viewers, this short documentary film often acclaimed to be a perfect short docume ntary that successfully spun around the subject and aligned the overall basic plot of the movie. The House is Black (1962) was an Iranian short documentary film, directed by Forough Farrokhzad. The film reflected on the other side of life and suffering in a leper colony as well as focused on the human condition in reflection to the beauty of creation that has been depicted in the documentary. The director Farrokhzad, used some quotation from the Old Testament, as well as Quran along with her own poetry. This poetic feel gave this film a versatile dimension that was absent in the other similar types of documentary films. The artistic views of the poet also reflected from the unique selection of the name of the film that was aligned with the needs of the subject. The documentary based on the story of the â€Å"Behkadeh Rail colony†. The director has directed only one film throughout her life. Additionally, this particular film has been successful in developing an attention outside Iran, after its release, the film was successfully recognized as a milestone of Iranian film Industry. Many of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Victims’ Rights and Vengeance Essay Example for Free

Victims’ Rights and Vengeance Essay There have been many alterations to the legal rights and assistance programs to better serve victims of crime. In every state, there are considerable rights in order to protect these victims. The statues of Victims’ rights influence how the victims are treated within the criminal justice system. â€Å"This was the key goal of the sweeping changes in the 2004 Crime Victims Act (CVRA), which became the â€Å"cutting edge of the third wave of victims’ rights.† (B. YU.L.Rev, 2005). â€Å"There are eight basic rights that crime victims have, the section 3771(a) provides these rights: 1. The right to be reasonably protected from the accused. 2. The right to reasonably, accurate, and timely notice of any public court proceeding, or any parole proceeding, involving the crime or of any release of escape of the accused. 3. The right not to be excluded from any such public court proceeding, unless the court, after receiving clear and convincing evidence, determines that testimony by the victim would be materially altered if the victim heard other testimony at that proceeding. 4. The right to be reasonably heard at any public proceeding in the district court involving release, plea, sentencing, or any parole proceeding. 5. The reasonable right to confer with the attorney for the Government in the case. 6. The right to full and timely restitution as provided by law. 7. The right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay. 8. The right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim’s dignity and privacy.† (Cohen, 2006). â€Å"The CVRA provides that victims may choose to have their own attorney and seek to assert the rights to be present and participate in the criminal proceeding. In the district court, a victim may make a motion for relief, including a motion to reopen a plea  agreement. (18 U.S.C  § 3771 (d) (5).) If the district court denies a victims motion, the CVRA provides for an expedited appellate review process. (Maryland also allows the victim to be represented by an attorney before the appellate courts. A crime victim may petition for a writ of mandamus, and the court of appeals must decide the petition within seventy two hours† (Mermelstein, M. Amer, S. M. (2013). The CVRA â€Å"contemplates active review of orders denying crime victims’ rights claims even in routine cases.† (Boland and Butler, 2009). â€Å"The 2004 Crime Victims Act (CVR A) came into effect to make sure that the victims were properly being taken care of and had an option to voice when it came to the defendant who victimized them. This law has been threatened many times. This law has also been amended many times as well. According to the Crime Victims’ Rights Act 18 U.S. C.  § 3771. This law allows the victim to be protected against the accuser. Sometimes this law is violated and the victim is not treated fairly. Most of the states have set laws as well as constitutional amendments that will make sure that the victims are protected within the criminal justice system. â€Å"Many victims try to assert their rights only to be turned down by the court†, (Boland and Butler, 2009) and in my opinion the judicial system has not upheld the law by not allowing that victims receive the full justice they very well deserve. In my opinion about vengeance, it is never appropriate in any circumstance, even with breaking the law. â€Å"This mortal vengeance seems a natural response but, as the myth makes clear, it invites further vengeance. The second truth, therefore, is that murder answered by revenge inspir es revenge in its turn. To this cycle of retributive vengeance there is no end. In other words of Mohandas Gandhi, â€Å"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind† (Cohen, 2006). I feel vengeance can be a never ending cycle, it can keep continuing, one act after another. I also feel that the person that first intentionally hurt another person, and that person turns around and hurt the first person, they are just as bad of a person as the first person is. I really have to agree with what the Survivors Network does for the victims of crime. It helps them with the healing process and to overcome trauma that has happened to them. This network helps the victim to cope with what has happened to them. I feel this helps so they won’t participate in revengeful activity upon the accuser. The Survivors Network is helpful to the victims, as well as the victims’ families. References: University of Phoenix. (2007). Vengeance Time. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CJA/324 website University of Phoenix. (2009). Crime Victims Rights: From Illusion to Reality. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CJA/324 website University of Phoenix. (2006). The victims rights and the furies in American courts. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CJA/324 website. Mermelstein, M. (2013). From Victim to Victor: Corporate Crime in the Internet Era. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Review of The Family Game by Yoshimitsu Morita Essays -- Kazoku Gemo

I watched The Family Game (Kazoku Gemo) by Yoshimitsu Morita. While initially hesitant I wound up loving the movie. It was a satire that succeeded both in being a pleasure to watch and also at times absolutely hilarious. The Family Game is basically a satire about Japan’s new middle class in the 1980s. The film intermixes industrial imagery between scenes which give the film a bleak feel. At the lowest level this is a movie about Shigeyuki Numata, a clearly intelligent student who (unlike his brother Shinichi) is largely unconcerned about his academics and does poorly in school. Shigeyuki’s father, a white-collar worker who is evidently comparatively affluent (but by no means â€Å"rich), relents to finding his son a tutor (e.g. what Sugimoto describes as â€Å"shadow education†). Yoshimoto takes on the challenge of increasing Shigeyuki’s grades and is relentless and demanding in his approach. However, on a more abstract level this is a film with much lar ger aspirations. The Family Game explores the problems with the educational systems in Japan, a dysfunctional Japanese family, gender roles, ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Assess How Martin Gaite Takes on the Task of Confronting Recent History Both Aesthetically and Ethically in El Cuarto de Atras.

Assess how Martin Gaite takes on the task of confronting recent history both aesthetically and ethically in El cuarto de atras. El cuarto de atras is Carmen Martin Gaite’s first post-Franco novel. Encompassing two very distinct genres, it is a fantastical novel, whilst in the same framework, a realist memoir of a woman growing up in post-war Spain. Through the use of the fantastic mode, the author approaches the real social history of the Civil War and post war period.This essay, will explore how Martin Gaite confronts this recent history, illustrating the hostile political environment of her youth and the anxiety it engendered. Through aesthetic techniques, particularly the fantastic mode, the novel facilitates a recollection of memories, which for many, were tarred with pain and anger. What we discover is that Martin Gaite’s intended purpose for her novel is not direct criticism of the fascist regime, but rather she aims to capture the collective memory of a generatio n, a memory which is often difficult to yield.To begin, it necessary to understand Martin Gaite’s decision to write her novel in this way, by gaining a sense of the climate of opinion which prevailed among the leading writers at the end of Franco’s rule, the time when Martin Gaite wrote El cuarto de atras. One of her contemporaries, the influential Juan Goytisolo, published an essay in 1967, which criticises the insipid realistic literature that was written in post-war Spain. He warns that Spanish novelists seem to have lost the ability to smile, despite belonging to a literary tradition that can draw on Cervantes and Larra.Goytisolo claims that, preoccupied with fighting Franco with words, he and his contemporaries have failed to serve either their cause or the wider interests of literature itself. In his essay, he writes: Digamoslo con claridad: las generaciones venideras nos pediran cuentas, sin duda, de nuestra actual conducta civica, pero no tomaran a esta en cons ideracion si, paralelamente a nuestra responsabilidad moral de ciudadanos, no manifestamos nuestra responsabilidad artistica como escritores.No basta, en efecto, reclamar la libertad: tenemos que probarla desde ahora con la autenticidad y responsabilidad de nuestras obras (Wood 2012: 48). Martin Gaite acknowledged and responded to this need for a new form of literature that did not rely solely on politics and realism. On November 23, 1975, the day that Franco died, she set out to write El cuarto de atras. Her novel would focus on two main literary goals; Firstly, to write a social history of the post-war era and secondly to write a fantastic novel.The novel is narrated by a woman called ‘C’, similar to Martin Gaite herself, who tells the story of an unexpected visit by a mysterious man, in the middle of the night. He has come to interview her. During their night-long conversation, the interviewer encourages the narrator in her recollection of her past. During the course of the conversation, the two protagonists notice that in the corner of the room, there is a pile of papers, which continues to grow. At the end of the novel, we learn that this stack of pages comprises the novel itself, even entitled ‘El cuarto de atras’.Their conversation has produced a novel. This powerful metafictional image of the written manuscript of the novel appearing within the novel itself creates a sense of participation amongst her readers. In the final pages, when the protagonist picks up the manuscript, we suddenly become aware of the novel we hold in our hands, and see it now as a mere artefact, the product of the conversation to which we have been aesthetically participating. The mystery behind this metafiction helps in establishing the ‘fantastic’ genre of the novel.Todorov gives a three-part definition of the fantastic genre, all three met in El cuarto de atras, ‘the reader considers the fictional world as real, the reader and the n arrator share a hesitation over whether or not what they perceive derives from commonly-held definitions of reality, and no allegorical interpretation of the unexplainable is advanced’ (Brown 1987: 41). Throughout the novel, the narrator mentions Todorov and quotes several times from his works. The narrator literally stumbles over Todorov’s book at the very start of the novel and later on, she spills water on the book, in doing so, making it more real.She even comes across a note she made when finishing reading the book, promising that one day ‘voy a escribir una novela fantastica’ (p 27). By the end of the novel, when she picks up the manuscript entitled ‘El cuarto de atras’, we realise that this is in fact, the fantastic novel which she promised she would write. The following description constructed by Todorov himself indicates why Martin Gaite decided to use the fantastic mode in her novel: ‘The supernatural thereby becomes a symbol o f language, just as the figures of rhetoric do, and the figure is, as we have seen, the purest form of literality’ (Brown 1987: 153).As well as heightening the creativity of her realist memoirs, Martin Gaite depends on the fantastic genre to uncover certain truths, which lie in hidden memories. Explaining, ‘cuando se traspasa esa frontera entre lo que estas convencido de que es verdad y lo que ya sabes si es verdad o mentira, puede ser posible todo’[1], it is apparent that in using the fantastic, mixing reality with mystery, she makes possible the difficult task of confronting painful, distressing memories experienced during the Civil war in Spain. The fantastic genre of El cuarto de atras is actually determined by the interviewer, the â€Å"man in the black hat†.The mystery of this nocturnal visitor remains unresolved and we finish the novel not knowing if his visit was real or dreamt-up by the narrator. From his very arrival, a fantastic apparition mater ialises, with the huge cockroach on the stairway, whose eyes, she will later note, exactly resemble his. ‘With its monstrous appearance [†¦ ] the insect summons the reader to anticipate the unknown. While the insect is described in detail, the man whose entry follows is not’ (Brown 1987: 151). The absent description of this character is one of several unresolved ambiguities of the novel, taking us in to the territory of the fantastic.It is in this territory and through her conversation with this ghostly character, that the narrator is able to recall her memories. The narrator realises that her difficulty in writing the memoir was due to the fact that she wanted to recapture more than just facts, ‘lo que yo queria rescatar era algo mas inaprensible, eran las miguitas, no las piedrecitas blancas’ (p. 120). With the image of white pebbles and breadcrumbs, a symbol from Perrault’s stories, we learn that she grasps how the truth about history, identi ty and collective memory, is made up of fragments, like pieces of a puzzle.Acting as her conscience, the interviewer certifies this in saying ‘tendria que aprender a escribir como habla’ (p. 120). This reflects Martin Gaite’s view that historical narrative does not suffice if and when constructing a novel which successfully approaches such a painful past. For the narrator, rather than assisting her, facts and historical data have acted as an obstacle. Martin Gaite creates a fantastic memoir, with dimensions of both reality and mystery, allowing the readers to find some form of escapism in her novel. As Robert C.Spires notes, the fantastic ‘frees both writer and reader from a one-dimensional, cause and effect, view of existence’ (1984:120). This creative release, which Martin Gaite seeks in her employment of the fantastic, hints at Spain’s sudden release from the Franco regime. In a further metafictional reference, the narrator explains how, si nce her childhood, she has experienced a form of escape through literature and fantasy. In her composition, as a child, of a novel revolving around a mythical island called Bergai, she demonstrates her desire to escape the strict silence of the regime.By declaring her own search for freedom through literature, Martin Gaite hopes that her novel will encourage the freeing of unspoken memories that her own generation has been hiding. The very title of the novel and the plurality of it’s meaning, indicates Martin Gaite’s desire to liberate memories. The narrator recalls how, ‘El cuarto de atras’ was the place where she used to play as a child, enjoying its freedom to develop her creative imagination. With the war, ‘el cuarto de atras’ begins to be appropriated by adults to store ‘articulos de primera necesidad’ (p. 157).The narrator explains, ‘hasta que dejamos de tener cuarto para jugar, porque los articulos de primera necesida d desplazaron y arrinconaron nuestra infancia, el juego y la subsistencia coexistieron en una convivencia agria de olores incompatibles’ (p. 160). ‘Politics seemed to be part of the adult world and the changes brought about by war seemed like rules for an unexplained new game’ (O’leary and Ribeiro de Menezes 2008:114). Her description reveals her imagination, yet at the same time, serves to depict the ways in which the war impeded on such basic aspects of everyday life.Through her innocence as a child, she does not politically criticise the war, but instead, discusses its inconveniences on her life as she grew up. The plurality of meaning that surrounds ‘El cuarto de atras’ surfaces in a further description of this space: ‘me lo imagino tambien como un desvan del cerebro [†¦ ] separado [†¦ ] por una cortina que solo se descorre de vez en cuando; los recuerdos que pueden darnos alguna sorpresa viven agazapados en el cuarto de at ras, siempre salen de alli, y solo cuando quieren, no sirve hostigarlos† (p. 83).In the novel, the task of pulling back the curtain is undertaken by the interviewer, as it can be perceived that his role is to help the narrator reveal hidden memories. This task of confronting past experiences is not an easy one, as it can un-surface deep fear and anger. ‘It must be remembered that government repression was a formalised expression of the psychological mechanisms adopted by a people whose horror had to be assuaged’ (Brown 1987:162). In establishing the mode of the fantastic, Martin Gaite pulls back the curtain on past realities, and in doing so, captures collective memory.The novel gives a realistic account of life as a child growing up in Spain in 1930’s and 40’s. The narrator points out that Franco came to power when she was only nine years old and she speaks openly about the effects the Civil War had on her. She recalls personal experiences such as h er uncle’s murder because he was a Socialist and the imprisonment of her friend’s parents because they were ‘Rojos’. Her recollections originate from her perception of them as a child, for example, trips to the bomb shelter are just another game.This innocence and political ignorance of her childhood memories help Martin Gaite to steer away from the blame game and political motives, giving instead, an account of what she experienced and how she perceived things as a child. The compelling image which most effectively achieves this is that of Franco’s daughter. The narrator remembers envying her but also feeling sorry for her. We see her sympathising with Carmencita’s grief as a daughter during the dictator’s funeral. Stating that ‘en mi casa, no eran franquistas’, we learn that the narrator is subtle when probed on Franco himself.Although critique on his leadership is inevitable, she avoids using her novel to directly attac k Franco, but rather to give an account of the effect of his dominance on society. As she watches Carmencita Franco at her father’s funeral, the narrator thinks about what they have in common and realises that they share the same collective memory as women who grew up in a patriarchal society. The novel explores the importance of the ‘Seccion Femenina’ and of romantic fiction to her generation of women. Martin Gaite offers the reader an insight, often overlooked in history books, into the ideological inculcation of women during the Franco period’ (O’Leary and Ribeiro de Menezes 2008: 115). She explains, Todas las arengas que monitores y camaradas nos lanzaban en aquellos locales inhospitos, mezcla de hangar y de cine de pueblo, donde cumpli a reganadientes el Servicio Social, cosiendo dobladillos, haciendo gimnasia y jugando al baloncesto, se encaminaban, en definitiva, al mismo objetivo: a que aceptasemos con alegria y orgullo [†¦] nuestra con dicion de mujeres fuertes, complemento y espejo del varon. p. 85) This description has been structured in such a way as to sarcastically signify what was expected on women during the regime. She is able to look back with humour on the expectations of the society she grew up in. As Brown suggests, ‘Luckily, she learned at an early age that the sentiments of the Fascists ruling party were not those of her own family, and that there was a dichotomy between what was thought at home and what was valued outside’ (Brown 1987: 158).Martin Gaite discretely ignored the inhibitions to freedom imposed by the Government’s restrictions and with the support of her mother, she attended university, surpassing the limited, narrow parameters of women’s lives. However, it is apparent that she was in fact influenced by the social tendencies of the time. Through her references to Hollywood stars such as Garbo, and her vision of the interviewer as the hero of a romantic novel, w e discover that her thoughts and behaviour are influenced by romantic literature and Hollywood glamour.The fantasy of each of these became a reality and something these women were expected to aspire towards as a sort of model of behaviour. Sharing such memories with her reader, providing an insight into the social customs of recent history, collective memory is captured. The narrator explains her difficulty in writing her memoirs because her memories of the war and post-war years are disordered and confused. She describes the post war period as ‘un panorama tan ancho y tan revuelto, como una habitacion donde cada cosa esta en su sitio precisamente al haberse salido de su sitio’ (p. 93).Her desire to write these memoirs arises when she is watching Franco’s funeral. As she watches the funeral procession, she summarises what she recalled of Franco’s dominance in the society she grew up in, ‘Franco pescando truchas, Franco en el Pazo de Mieras, Franco en los sellos, Franco en el NO-DO’ (p. 119). The image of Franco was everywhere. As she watches his funeral, the narrator states ‘el tiempo se desbloqueaba’ (p. 119). ‘Franco’s death set time in motion again, as well as language, thus allowing the author to explore the recent past and personal history (O’Leary and Ribeiro 2008:113).The disorder of time and space, in El cuarto de atras, brings forth a revelation in ethically confronting recent history, establishing a contrast with the imposed order of the regime whose end has inspired this fantastic memoir. As a final point, attention should be drawn to the tension that Martin Gaite creates in her depiction of life in Franco’s Spain. This tension lies between her description of the stasis of life under Franco and the life that she managed to live. During this ‘frozen’ time period, the narrator succeeds in becoming both a novelist and a mother.Despite the limitations, obligatio ns and deprivation of the dictatorship, she recalls how her childhood and adolescence were happy. The juxtaposition between stasis and dynamism is most brilliantly described in her comparison of the Franco dictatorship with that of the game ‘escondite ingles’. Under the threatening eye of the dictatorship, people stood still and froze but behind the back of the regime, when and where they had the opportunity, they strove to run their lives as they pleased. In using a popular childhood game to highlight uch tension, her readers are able to return to their past, focusing not on their pain and anger, but rather on the rhythm of life during this period. To conclude, Martin Gaite’s novel, succeeds in offering a new style of writing when confronting recent history. The complex interaction between reality and fantasy, produces a creative and gripping memoir which attempts to capture the collective memory of a generation. In recalling her memories as a child and depictin g the role expected of women, Martin Gaite provides us with an insight of what it was like to experience life under Franco.El cuarto de atras succeeds as a work that enables us to lift the curtain on painful memories that have been hidden away by so many. The recovery of this memory is a difficult task, but by taking us into the world of the fantastic, these memories can find a path to escape. Bibliography Martin Gaite, Carmen. 2009. El cuarto de atras, (Madrid: Libros del Tiempo, Ediciones Siruela). Adrian M. Garcia, 2000. Silence in the Novels of Carmen Martin Gaite (New York: Peter Lang). Lipman Brown, Jo. 1987. Secrets from the Back Room: the Fiction of Carmen Martin Gaite’ (Valencia: University of Mississippi Press).O’Leary and Ribeiro de Menezes, 2008. A Companion to Carmen Martin Gaite (Woodbridge: Tamesis). Robert C. Spires, 1984. Beyond the Metafictional Mode – Directions in the Modern Spanish Novel (Lexington: Kentucky University Press, 1984). Tzvetan Todorov, The Fantastic – A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre trans. Richard Howard (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1975). Wood, Gareth J. 2012. Javier Marias’s Debt to translation (Oxford: Oxford University Press). ———————– [1] Martin Gaite, quoted in Gazarian Gautier ‘Conversacion con Carmen Martin Gaite en Nueva York’, 11.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nature of Human Being and reason for beingg

From the Catholic's point of view, if we look at the bible basing room the Old Testament, we have committed sin from the day Adam and Eve bit the apple and this perhaps as always an excuse of humans when they commit mistakes. If we consider science on human evolution, they would say that we were once came from the family of ape, this also affects the perception towards the behavior of human beings because they perceived humans as higher level of the animal kingdom and again have the tendency to commit mistakes. But going deeper, do we really are born to make mistakes?Or in order to achieve perfections we needed to learn sessions by going through the mistakes. For me, the nature of human being and how he exist Is affected by a lot of factors, say by environment, circumstances, upbringing , beliefs etc. We sometimes make decisions not thoroughly think of but because of what we feel or sometimes how other will perceived It as right or wrong. This is because: our behaviors are affected b y the norms set by the environment where we are living or somehow affected by culture that was inculcated in our minds from the day we were born or even when we were still in the womb of our mother.This somehow defines the right and wrong of our action, each human being has his own definition of how we see righteousness and what seems to be not right in our perspectives. We are naturally Influenced by the surroundings but at the end of the day we always see goodness In every human, we always believed that whatever the actions or even mistakes committed, we don't completely removed the idea that somehow there is kindness or goodness in the heart of every human being. I guess, the nature of human being is not imperfectly perfect but we tend to dream of having almost close to perfect life.Contentment and satisfaction is always a challenging word for us. Linking this to genuine happiness adds more heaviness to the word, because, It gives us freedom to choose our own happiness and yet In choosing, we consider circumstances, families, other factors that might impact the happiness we want to have for our own lives. True to the saying, that no man is an island, which man cannot live alone, he needs to be with somebody to show his affection, emotion and love in either way.And this drives us also to do goodness, because we believe hat there is somebody, who can accept us, our faith directs us to do goodness and always reasons for everything we do, and somehow, sometimes being human we tend to forget this, because we perceived that we do not have a choice. But in reality we do, if we do have choices as human being, we have the freedom to think, how to act. The nature of human being for me is the same for each and every one but it only differs when influential factors sets in especially the culture that affects all our situations and ways of thinking.Reasons of Being: For me being is the reasons of existence. But how do we define reasons of being? Why humans do exists? In my own point of view, we were not born out of nowhere. Culture, religion, science environment may happened to affect our existence. We mimic sometimes other personalities or idols that we see or we believed reflect how we want to live our lives. And somehow this gives us directions of our being. Our reasons of being are unending process, it is like a cycle, when we almost are done to end something, and then it gives us another open door to begin on something.A child is born, his path sometimes is being mapped out already by his parents, but the moment he sees his environment, he began to explore things on his own and do things from one way to another until he accomplish something and explore on another thing. We do not seem to be satisfied with having Just any reason for living but we want to find deeper meaning of our existence. We tend to look for our purpose in the society, in humanity or in our day to day existence. The reason for being is because we want to see the meaning of life, we want to know where will it take us and how far can we affect others by our existence.In conclusion The nature of human being is naturally with flaws, we are not perfect but this should not be an excuse for stopping us to be a good person. Committing mistakes will lead us to learning and accept that we are human beings, and like a child we are a work in progress in becoming a better individual, or be the best of what we can be. I happened to read a book â€Å"the Purpose driven life† written by Rick Warren, it is about t the Journey of knowing God's purpose for your life and gives us understanding of the big picture ? how all the pieces of your life fit together.The reason of existence of eyeing is based on how or what we believe that drives us to what we do or we want to have in life. But personally, being a catholic I believed that my reason of being is because I have a purpose to serve God through my interactions with other human beings. To return the favor to othe rs by showing goodness and kindness, and exerting effort to live what the God has wanted us to be. My reason of being is to know the meaning of life and how to experience it. I believe that my life here on earth is Just a preparation of the beginning of my new life when I have the opportunity to see God face to face.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


LEGALIZE IT essays We should legalize marijuana, because it causes more problems that it is illegal then it ever would if it were legal. I feel that the prohibition of marijuana is a bigger problem then the smoking of it. No one has ever overdosed on weed, more people die in alcohol related accidents then pot related accidents. The forbiddance of weed is the biggest reason for the exploding prison population. Many non-violent drug offenders are serving longer prison sentences, then murders, then rapist and other violent criminals. It cost taxpayers 30,000 dollars a year to imprison 1 non-violent drug offender . Thats why politicians are spending billions of tax dollars on building new prisons and jails to hold everyone, and at the same money for education , healthcare, and other important things are running short. The methods used by the government to stop drug abuse arent working . All they are doing is creating a black market for weed and other drugs. Stopping marijuana use cost billions of dollars to enforce and it makes millions of good hardworking, taxpaying, weed smoking individuals into criminals. Adult use of alcohol and tobacco are legal and accepted ,but adult use of marijuana is illegal. With alcohol you can die or get more impaired then with weed and cigarettes are Many people have the belief that we need to keep weed illegal to keep it away from our teenagers and children. That is a good theory and it makes sense, but it is false it doesnt work. There are at least 10 to 15 places that I know in walking distance, where I know I can get weed , but for me to get a beer it might take a half an hour to an hour standing outside a bar asking people to go in the bar or beer distributor and buy me some beer. In some countries like Holland it is legal to buy pot, but the percent of teenagers who smoke weed there is less then half of the amount of teenagers who ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Make a Fake Neon Sign Using Fluorescence

Make a Fake Neon Sign Using Fluorescence Do you love the look of neon signs, but want an inexpensive alternative that you can customize to say whatever you want? You can make a fake neon sign using fluorescence to make inexpensive common materials glow. Fake Neon Sign Materials You only need a few basic materials for this project. Flexible plastic tubing (usually sold as aquarium tubing)Glue gunCardboard or other stiff backing for your signFluorescent highlighter pen or laundry detergentWaterBlack light Make the Fake Neon The plastic tubing will glow blue under a black light, so technically this project will work if you simply form a sign with the tubing and illuminate it with a black light (ultraviolet lamp). However, youll get a much brighter glow if you fill the tubing with a fluorescent liquid, such as a small amount of laundry detergent dissolved in water (bright blue) or a fluorescent highlighter ink pad in water (available in various colors). Tip: A lot of highlighter pens called fluorescent markers arent actually fluorescent. Write a quick note on paper and shine a black light on it to determine whether or not the ink fluoresces. Yellow almost always glows. Blue rarely does. Make the Sign Design Practice forming the word you want on your sign so that you can get an idea of how much tubing will be required.Cut the tubing somewhat longer than what you think you will need.Fill the plastic tubing with your fake neon. Put one end of the tubing into the fluorescent liquid and raise it higher than the other end of the tubing. Place the lower end of the tubing into a cup so you wont have a big mess. Let gravity pull the liquid down the tube.When the tubing is filled with liquid, seal its ends with beads of hot glue. Allow the glue to cool before proceeding to make sure you have a good seal on your neon.Apply hot glue to stick the tubing to the backing you have selected. Form the word for your sign. If you are making a sign that uses multiple words, you will need separate tubes for each word.If you have excess tubing, carefully cut the end and seal it with hot glue.Illuminate the sign by turning on a black light. A fluorescent light fixture will provide some glow, but for a bright ne on appearance, use a black light.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Important Read This Before Getting a Belly Button Piercing

Important Read This Before Getting a Belly Button Piercing SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Belly button piercings may appear totally cool and effortless from an outside perspective, but they actually require serious commitment if you want them to look good in the long run. They heal slower than many other types of body piercings, and they require a significant amount of aftercare. This guide will take you through the piercing process and show you how to avoid potential problems as you heal. If you follow this advice, you'll be showing off a piercing that is both stylish and healthy in no time! Feature image: Spookygonk/Flickr, used under CC 2.0 Can You Get a Belly Button Piercing? Some people are disqualified from getting a belly button piercing. Typically, belly button piercings go through the â€Å"lip† of skin above the belly button. Although most people can technically get these types of piercings, it's best to have a good flap of skin above the belly button for the piercer to put the jewelry through if you want it to heal properly. The piercing also needs room below and behind the flap so that the area doesn’t become irritated in the healing process. If you don’t have a solid flap of skin on the top of the belly button, sometimes piercers can go for the lower lip of the belly button instead (though this is a rare option). Here’s an example of what a typical belly button piercing looks like: She did it/used under CC by 2.0 Unfortunately, if you have an outie belly button, you most likely won’t be able to get it pierced. Some people believe that outie belly button piercings are the only "true" belly button piercings because they actually involve piercing the inner part of the navel. However, infections in outie belly button piercings can travel to your internal organs and become extremely dangerous. Most reputable piercers will not take this risk. In case you're unsure of which type of belly button you have going on, here's what an outie looks like: Belly Button-3/used under CC 2.0 The piercer will always examine your belly button carefully before starting the process to see if your anatomical setup will allow for the piercing to heal safely. What Are the Risks Associated With Belly Button Piercings? Even if you believe that your belly button is the ideal candidate for a snazzy new piece of jewelry, you should know that some health risks come hand-in-hand with getting this type of body piercing. These risks include: Allergic reactions to the jewelry Excessive bleeding Jewelry rejection or migration (migration is when the piercing moves internally to a slightly different spot, and rejection is when your body starts to push the jewelry out and you see more and more of the barbell) Bacterial infections Permanent scarring (this can happen if you don’t bother to remove the jewelry after your body has decided to reject it) You can minimize these risks by finding a reputable piercer and caring for your piercing appropriately during the healing process (discussed in the next couple of sections). Does a Belly Button Piercing Hurt a Lot? Good news: most people say that belly button piercings don’t hurt that much. They’re comparable to ear lobe piercings in terms of pain. If you’ve gotten your ear or nose cartilage pierced before, that type of piercing usually hurts more than a belly button piercing. You may experience some soreness and throbbing in the first few days, but it shouldn't interfere with your life significantly. One downside to belly button piercings is that they do take significantly longer than other piercings to heal. While ear piercings typically heal in 6 to 8 weeks, a belly button piercing is usually not fully healed for six months to a year (which is why many people suggest getting your piercing in the winter so you can show off the fully healed final product come beach season). If you've ever gotten this type of piercing on your upper ear, chances are that it hurt a lot more than most belly button piercings. (left ear, used under CC 2.0) How to Get Your Belly Button Pierced Here's a rundown of the steps you need to go through to ensure the best piercing experience. Taking the process seriously and finding a reputable piercer can make all the difference in the speed of your healing and satisfaction with your piercing overall. Step 1: Know the Laws and Regulations If you’re over 18, make sure you bring an official form of photo ID like a driver’s license or passport. If you’re under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present to sign off on your piercing. This article has a list of piercing regulations for all the different US states if you'd like to verify your state's specific policies. Piercing places sometimes take these rules further and say they won’t do certain types of piercings on minors or won’t pierce anyone under the age of 16 even with the consent of a parent or guardian. In addition to checking the laws in your state, research the regulations at the specific place where you plan on getting pierced to see if they have any special stipulations. Step 2: Find a Good Piercing Place The quality of the piercing place makes a huge difference in the likelihood that your piercing will heal properly. Look for places near you that have good Yelp reviews and appropriate credentials (check to see if the piercer is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers). Most piercing places also have websites where you can check out the portfolios of their piercers and read reviews from other customers. Avoid going to sketchy booths in the middle of the mall or really any place that doesn’t look like a doctor’s office when you get into the piercing room. The piercing should be done with sterile equipment in a squeaky clean environment to ensure the lowest risk of infection. Don’t ever let anyone pierce you with a piercing gun! They cause too much trauma to the area and can’t be properly sterilized. One Day We Will All Die, used under CC 2.0 Step 3: Prepare to Get Pierced First off, take a shower beforehand. It’s just polite not to be smelly when a stranger has to touch your belly button. Also, make sure you’re fully hydrated and have eaten at least a little something within the hour so you don’t feel woozy during the process. Above all, do NOT get drunk before you get your belly button pierced. Any piercing place worth its salt will turn away an intoxicated person, both because you don’t have the capacity to make good decisions after drinking and because drinking can cause excessive bleeding at the piercing site. Try to live a healthy, responsible lifestyle at least for the 24 hour period before your piercing. Step 4: Choose Your Jewelry The materials that are least likely to irritate the piercing site include surgical stainless steel, surgical titanium, Tygon plastic, and solid 14K gold. You should try to avoid jewelry made of nickel or sterling silver because these metals are the most likely to cause allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin. If you’ve gotten other piercings in the past, be mindful of how your body has reacted. Also, choose a piece of jewelry that you won’t get tired of seeing. Remember, you won't be able to take it out for another six months to a year. Go with a barbell rather than a ring because there’s less risk of the barbell getting caught on stuff in the healing process. Belly buttons are typically pierced with 12 gauge jewelry, which is around 2 mm in diameter. This is much larger than the jewelry used in a typical ear piercing, which is 1 mm or less in diameter. It’s better to have a thicker piece of jewelry because it will make the piercing sturdier and more resistant to tearing and migration. Triforce de Awesome!, used under CC 2.0 Step 5: Pay Your Piercer Navel piercings can range in cost, but they’re $40-$60 at most piercing places. This includes both the procedure and the cost of the jewelry. If you’re happy with the way things go, it’s considered good form to give your piercer a 10-20% tip on top of the regular price. That's it! You'll have a brand new navel piercing. Now comes the long and hard part - caring for your new piercing. Caring for Your Belly Button Piercing First off, DON’T ever touch or clean the piercing without washing your hands first! If you ignore this rule, you’re asking for an infection. Just leave it alone and let it heal except for when you need to move it around a little bit to clean it. Similarly, you should wear loose clothing that won’t irritate the piercing area in the healing process. Try to sleep on your back and avoid tanning beds at least for the first couple months of healing. The concentrated UV rays can set back your body's natural healing process. It’s also not a good idea to go in public pools or hot tubs because the piercing could get infected from whatever gross types of bacteria may be lurking in the water. If you really feel the need to go in a pool or hot tub while your piercing is still young, you should clean it immediately afterward. You can still do sit-ups and other exercises when your piercing is healing as long as you don’t experience too much discomfort from the movement. Like you, this cat is gonna get his beach body no matter what it takes. (sit-ups, used under CC 2.0) The best way to care for the piercing is to wash it with saline solution two times a day for at least the first month of healing. You can make your own saline solution by mixing a teaspoon of sea salt with five ounces of water, or you can buy the plain saline solution that is sold at pharmacies. Put the saline solution in a little cup. Then, press the rim of the cup against your stomach around the piercing, and lean back to completely submerge the piercing for two minutes. Afterward, take a q-tip, dip it in the solution, and gently rub it around the areas where the piercing goes through your skin. Be sure to use sea salt to make your solution, not table salt! (Salt-(sea)_B130623, used under CC 2.0) You may see your piercing oozing clear fluid that forms a crust around the hole. This is normal early in the healing process. There may also be some swelling, redness, and discoloration, but these issues should dissipate fairly soon after you get the piercing. Don’t clean your piercing more than the recommended two to three times a day. Excessive cleaning can cause skin irritation and dry out the area. If it's been at least a month since the piercing and everything looks good, you can stop doing these daily cleanings. You may clean the piercing sporadically after this point if you continue to see evidence that it isn't fully healed. You should still minimize the activities listed at the beginning of this section until you reach at least the six month mark. Potential Problems (and What to Do About Them) In this section, I'll talk about how to spot signs of trouble with your piercing. It's important to take action on these issues immediately so you can avoid serious health consequences and permanent scarring down the road. It's important to know what's normal and what's not. We'll cover the most important issues below. Allergic Reaction Sometimes, if you get the wrong type of jewelry, you can end up with a nasty allergic reaction around your piercing. Signs of an allergic reaction include: An itchy rash around the piercing area Intermittent tenderness around the piercing If you think you may have an allergic reaction, go back to the piercer, and ask to switch your jewelry out for a different type of material. I list some suggestions for people with sensitive skin in the â€Å"choosing your jewelry† advice in the previous section. Bacterial Infection Infections are very common with belly button piercings because they’re in such a vulnerable area. Signs of infection include: Yellowish-green discharge with a foul odor Prolonged redness around the piercing, especially if it gets worse over time Skin around the piercing is hot to the touch You feel a burning sensation in the area Prolonged swelling around the piercing Abdominal pain (in really serious cases, the infection can become internal) Red lines radiating from the piercing Consistent acute pain (although slight bruising and occasional sharp pain from movement are normal) Here's what an infection can look like: See how the area around the piercing is red and swollen? This will probably also be hot and painful to the touch. It can even look worse than this, with leaking pus around the piercing. (Sorry, I know it's a little gross, but it's important to know what something bad looks like.) If you think you have an infection, first of all, contrary to what you might think, you should leave the jewelry in your belly button. Taking it out could cause further complications, including the formation of abscesses in the area. Use the same cleaning procedure detailed in the previous section, but soak the piercing for ten minutes in the saline solution. You may be able to rub a small bit of antibacterial cream around the piercing to soothe the infection, but use it sparingly. If the infection doesn’t go away within a week or two, go to a doctor to check if you need to take more drastic measures to prevent it from developing further (i.e. taking oral antibiotics). You may need to return to the piercer to get the jewelry taken out if the infection has become too severe. Lean on the side of cautious - it's always better to get something checked out and have nothing wrong, than to try to tough it out and make a problem worse. Migration and Rejection Another issue that is common with belly button piercings is migration and rejection of the jewelry. Signs of migration and rejection include: You can see way more of the barbell than you could when it was initially pierced (because it’s getting pushed out of your body) Noticeable movement of the holes of the piercing marked by a trail of redness Redness and scarring in the area Hole appears larger than it was initially The skin between the holes is translucent and thin If you notice this happening to your piercing, you will have to go to your piercer to get the jewelry removed, let everything heal, and eventually try piercing it again. There’s no way to fix the issue without taking out the piercing and starting over. Migration and rejection don’t mean the piercing is infected, so they aren’t overall health risks, but they come with more aesthetic problems when they’re not addressed. Piercings that the body rejects but that are not removed promptly often cause serious scarring. Rejection happens with a lot of body piercings. You can faintly see the rejection scar from my eyebrow piercing in this picture (I waited too long to take it out because I liked it so much). (Sam Lindsay/All rights reserved.) How Do You Know When You’re Done Healing? As mentioned above, it takes around six months to a year for a belly button piercing to heal to the point where you can take it out and change it. If you reach the six to nine month mark and aren’t experiencing any of the issues detailed in the previous section, you can check the piercing to see if it’s fully healed. Wash your hands, and try sliding it back and forth a bit to make sure it moves freely without pain. If everything feels and looks good, I’d recommend going back to your piercer so they can verify that you’re completely healed. They will be able to take out the piercing and replace the jewelry for you. If you change your piercing on your own, be sure to sanitize both the new jewelry and the piercing site before insertion. Infections are a risk even in piercings that are essentially completely healed, so don’t lose all respect for hygiene after months of vigilance. Summary: Key Tips for Getting a Belly Button Piercing Here's a quick rundown of most important things to remember when getting a belly button piercing. Before you get pierced, you should: Check to make sure your belly button is a good candidate for piercing Understand the risks involved and be willing to take on the responsibility of keeping the piercing clean Be aware of the laws for your state (may entail asking your mom or dad to go with you) Find a reputable piercer When you're at the piercing studio, you will need to: Choose jewelry that is least likely to irritate your skin Verify that everything appears sterile and professional in the piercing room Be prepared to endure a bit of pain (about the same as getting your ear lobe pierced) Pay (and tip) the piercer After you get your belly button pierced, you should: Never touch it without washing your hands first Clean it two to three times a day with saline solution for at least the first month Avoid tight clothing around your midsection, tanning beds, hot tubs, public pools, and sleeping on your stomach until the piercing is at least mostly healed Monitor the piercing site to make sure there are no issues with allergic reactions, infections, or rejection of the jewelry Don't change your jewelry until six to twelve months into the healing process when you can slide the jewelry back and forth without pain or resistance If you have more questions about any specific problems you're experiencing with your piercing, you should talk to your piercer to get an expert's opinion. Otherwise, just continue to enjoy your awesome new belly bling!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Economic concepts assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economic concepts - Assignment Example It is easy to identify, recognize and account for the explicit cost because these costs are documented in the company’s statement. Additionally, physical objects and money based transactions are usually involved in explicit costs (Arnold, 2008). Implicit cost: Implicit costs are also known as implied costs, economic costs, or notational costs. It is directly opposite to the explicit cost. Implicit costs are not actually exposed or accounted as costs. Implicit costs are commonly explained as opportunity costs or the loss of an opportunity in a specified time or condition. Implicit costs are usually related with the intangibles assets and often cannot be traced or documented. These costs include: waste of potential opportunities, wastage of time, and profit wastage. Implicit costs give up the potential paybacks and agreements in a certain transaction of business. Just place, an implicit cost is the loss of a potential profits or assets that did not come about (Gartner, 2009). QU ESTION # 2 U shape cost curve: It is a representation of how the average cost for manufacturing a single unit changes over with the passage of time. The average cost of manufacturing per unit is high in the beginning and decreases as overall production increases. It is because of the fact that the same fixed cost is shared by more units or product. However, if the marginal cost of producing one more unit increases the overall cost again starts to increase because of the diminishing returns. Hence, when it is plotted on a chart, the cost curve seems like the letter U and for this reason is known as U shaped cost curve (Leamer, 2009). Long run cost curve: The long run cost curve is also called cost function in the microeconomic theory. It relates the cost of production to the amount of production and shows the implications of the long run decisions and proceedings on the cost of production of the company. The long run cost curve is the combination of several short run average cost cur ves and is generally U shaped because of the law of diminishing returns (Mankiw, 2009). Average cost curve: The average cost or unit cost is identified by dividing the total cost of production to total number of units produced in the company. An average cost can vary with passage of time with the increase or decrease in the cost of production. The average cost curve is also U shaped because of the fixed cost being shared by increasing products and at the same time marginal cost increasing because of the diminishing returns (Wessels, 2000). QUESTION # 3 Law of diminishing return: This concept of economics stating that, as the quantity of new input (workers, materials, etc.) increases, the marginal product of an added input at same position will be less than the marginal product of the preceding input. For example, consider a plant that uses manual workers to manufacture its items for consumption. If every other factors of production stay constant, at one stage each added worker will give less output then the preceding worker. When this stage is confronted then each extra worker will give less and less returns. If new workers are continuously added, the factory will in the end turn out to be so crowded that added workers in point of fact reduce the competence of the other workers, lessening the production of the plant. Another general example of law of diminishing returns is described as follow: If the population of the city increased then per capita income is decreased. And

Marketing Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Analysis - Essay Example It also identifies the key features of the different elements of the marketing mix for the restaurant. The UK pizza and pasta restaurants market has significantly developed over the last decade, with new entrants every successive year. According to Hall (2005), the sector has accomplished significant growth which is demonstrated by the current annual sales of  £2 billion. The full potential of this market has not been achieved and therefore it presents an important opportunity for investment. The market is developing through a two tire chain whereby one chain comprises full service restaurants focused on high end products while the other is based on low cost products sold in casual dining and small takeaway outlets that also deliver packed products to clients. The market trends indicate a tendency for consumers to find it convenience to eat out rather than waste time preparing meals, which has also increased takeaway sales. Sporting events also significantly contribute to the takeaway pizza and pasta sales where people congregate to watch games such as the European premier league at home. Younger consumers are the majority in the pizza and pasta market. Constant innovations in the market leading to the development of new packages in the menu and price promotions are positively influencing growth in the pizza and pasta restaurant market (Cagan & Vogel, 2001). Targeting is a critical aspect of marketing whereby the entrepreneur identifies potential consumers that the business can effectively accomplish its objectives. Hall (2005) notes that youth are an important target in the pizza and pasta market as evidence shows they are the majority among consumers of fast foods. New entrepreneurs in the market can effectively target households with young children, university students and emerging professionals. Lewis (2011) also highlights middle and high income households as an important target for medium to high end products. This consumer segment

Friday, October 18, 2019

Fairness in Taxation theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fairness in Taxation theory - Essay Example In 1949, the income tax rate was 50 Percent. Ideally, there was not fairness because every person paid tax on equal tax rates irrespective of how much a person earned. However, when Income and Corporation Act 1970 was enacted in 1970, it improved distribution of tax burden among different income groups. Tax rates were divided into lower rate, basic rate, higher rate, and addition rates depending on the levels of income earned by individuals. On the other hand, corporate tax rates were categorized into small profit rates, small profit upper limit rate, marginal relief limits and the main rate. Categorisation of tax rates for individuals and corporation brought some fairness in the tax system. Brederode (2009) define fairness to paying tax according to ones ability. It should also be based on the benefits (public goods/services) a person or corporation receives from the government. Fairness in taxation means that all people are treated equally without discrimination. Furthermore, Adam Smith defined fair taxation as a progressive tax system. Progressive tax system imposes greater tax burden to the rich as compared to the less rich. Therefore, a person or entity pays tax according to the amount earned and public goods consumed. If a person or entity earns more income or uses more of a public good, tax burden imposed on them also increases. However, fairness varies over time and is highly subjective. According to Adam Smith, statistics indicated that affluent (rich) people often benefit more with economic expansion. Therefore, because benefits accrue more to the richer when there is economic development and expansion; it becomes natural that they pay more tax to support a government that delivers the public goods and services to them. In addition, a large corporation uses more of public good than a small corporation uses and should be taxed more. Furthermore, concerning income tax on individuals, non-domiciled citizens are required to pay taxes on income earned in f oreign country to pay for the benefits he or she received when growing or residing in the original home country. The importance of fairness in taxation Fairness in tax administration is critical. This is because fairness plays a critical role in influencing tax payers behaviours and attitudes. First, fairness in taxation is an indication of distributive justice. When taxpayers feel that the tax burden has been distributed fairly, they are likely to voluntarily contribute their taxes. Therefore, tax enforcement agencies will not increase their surveillance or increase their sanctions to make taxpayers comply. Consequently, will people behave fairly if the tax system treats them fairly and the cost of surveillance or sanctions will be reduced significantly. Secondly, it reduces uncertainties. Taxpayers normally feel anxious about taxes that they pay. However, if they perceive that taxation burden has been applied fairly, their anxiety or uncertainties reduce significantly and are able to concentrate on productive activities. Thirdly, fairness legitimises the tax system. Unfair taxation system may result in psychological reactance in taxpayers and may lead to opposite and retaliatory actions or behaviours. This is because people will perceive unfair tax system as illegitimate and are more likely to evade and avoid taxes. This may result to fewer taxes collects and increased administrative costs. b) Fairness in the 2010/2011 UK’

Powerlessness in Amongst Nurses Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Powerlessness in Amongst Nurses - Research Paper Example Managers have a tendency to overlook the internal conflicts that exist amongst the staff. Nurses experience intense conflicts amongst each other, and they require an arbitrative party to resolve the rivalry (Manojlovich, 2007). When the conflicts are highly persistent, the nurses develop a negative attitude towards the workplace. They feel that situations will remain conflicting. Consequently, the nurses do not anticipate changes and harmony within the workplace. The negative attitude amounts to a feeling of powerlessness in the workplace. Powerless staff will relieve their negative feelings amongst each other (Carpenito-Moyet, 2007). This is according to the oppression theory. Evidently, conflict and powerlessness have a direct affiliation in the workplace. Lateral violence is also a key attribution to powerlessness within the unit. This vice amounts to bullying. Most of the minority nurses experience much adversity from majors within the unit. In this case, the majors oppress colle agues with demeaning tasks (Russell, 2012). Consequently, the patient care is significantly deprived due to the impaired relationships that exist within the staff. Powerful groups extremely humiliate and exploit the powerless groups. Nurses invest in lateral violence in the quest for power. Consequently, they render their colleagues powerless within the workplace. ... Nursing proficiency is a source of power within the unit. Expertise has a definite positive impact to the nurses’ self-esteem. With the advancement of expertise, nurses attain a sense of authority (Manojlovich, 2007). Expertise and proficiency are attainable resources within the confines of the unit. Nurses encounter diverse challenges and experiences that enhance nurse expertise. Attainment of knowledge and skills within the unit accredits the nurse with professional influence to other workmates. In this case, the nurse with expertise will mentor and train newly recruited staff. They are in a capacity to provide a mentorship affiliation with the incoming workforce (Porter-O'Grady, 2009). Consequently, the experienced nurses gain power to induce skills to the recruited nurses. Expertise power amounts to healing supremacy. It transforms the lives of the patients significantly towards healing and recovery. Therefore, expertise elevates the power to care for the patients. Ethics and expertise are evident sources of power within the unit. Question 1c Nancy has an obligation to encourage the nurses towards empowerment. She also has an obligation to resolve the unwanted behaviors within the unit. Nancy ought to spell the impacts of negative relationships. This would involve specific and relevant examples within the nursing unit (Carpenito-Moyet, 2007). Therefore, Nancy should illustrate the ramifications of abusive relationships amongst the nurses. For example, Nancy would outline the impacts of the negative relationships to the patients. She would achieve this by showing the high mortality rate and deprived care towards the patients. Through this illustration, the nurses would be encouraged towards healthy

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Phonology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Phonology - Case Study Example And when producing pp, the lips will be stretched to produce y. The whole word is uttered in half a second. Elision: Elision is the loss of a phoneme. I.e. the omission of sounds (vowel/consonant/syllable), so that the speaker can simplify the pronunciation. This usually occurs in a fast speech and is normally unintentional. Allophone: Allophone is a phonetic variant of a phoneme in a particular language. I.e. it is one of the several speech sounds belonging to the same phoneme. A change in allophone does not alter the meaning, but rather makes the word sound non-native. Minimal pairs enable the linguists to build up the phoneme inventory for a language or a dialect. Though the words differ by only one segment, there may be wide variations in terms of articulation. However, most minimal pairs are considerably distinct and hardly pose inconvenience to the speaker or listener. Complementary Distribution: it is the mutually exclusive relationship between two phonetically similar segments. It exists when one segment occurs in one particular environment and the other occurring in an entirely different environment. Example: Consider the allophones [p'] and [p]. ... Example: Consider the allophones [p'] and [p]. [p'], the aspirated phoneme occurs when there is a syllable onset and is followed by a stressed vowel (as in the word put) and the unaspirated phoneme [p] occurs all other times. Here we see complementary distribution in similar phones. Every time it need not be allophones. For example,[h] and ['] are in complementary distribution, since [h] only occurs at the beginning of a syllable and ['] only at the end. Since they have hardly anything in common in phonetic terms, they are better considered as separate phonemes. Phonological conditioning and conditioning factors: Consider the words- cats, dogs, judges. The final sounds- /s/, /z/, /s/ occur after the sounds /t/, /g/ and /'/, respectively. When the distribution of the various allomorphs can be stated in terms of their phonemic environments, the allomorphs are said to be phonologically conditioned. Phonological conditioning is the most general and productive kind of conditioning of morphemic variants in languages. Phonemic overlapping: Biuniqueness: It is a principle which provides a one-to-one correspondence between phonemic and phonetic levels of analysis. A phonemic description is said to be biunique if phonemes and allophones are unambiguously mapped on to each other. Example: send and sent pronounced as /sent/ and seed and seat pronounced as /si:t/. Neutralization: phonemes that are contrastive in certain environments may not be so in all environments. In those environments where they do not contrast, the contrast is said to be neutralized. Example: consider the word sum: /s'm/. In another word, plumber: /pl'mb'/, since /m/ is followed by a plosive sound /b/, the contrast is lost. Archiphoneme: This is an abstract phonological

Tutorial (Film) Report Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tutorial (Film) Report - Movie Review Example Vertov also demonstrates a high level of determination and experience by capturing various images and scenes. He is able to capture slow moving images that increases in speed as the day moves on. Vertov also demonstrates a high level of passion when he walks on high bridges, climb a smokestack and crawls underground with miners. He also hangs on side of trains in order to get good shots (Bordwell & Thompson, 2010). Progress There is a theme of progress and development in the film. For example, Vertov tries to demonstrate two sides of life in his film. He shows beginnings and endings of various people. For example, he shows images of marriage and divorce, life and death, young and old, a woman going to bed and waking up the next day and work as well as recreation. By showing these stages, he demonstrates how life progresses from one stage to another. To show how people progresses from work to leisure, Vertov captures images of people in games, sports, pubs and beaches. The actor also shows how the society is moving away from traditional tool to more modern and advanced technology. Images showing people travelling in trains and workers using machines in factories is a clear demonstration of a progressing society (Bordwell & Thompson, 2010). Politics Vertov tries to bring out the theme of politics by showing a Proletariat society under the leadership of Lenin. However, several people were not workers. They are peasant farmers who could not afford wealth yet they were the main source of wealth. Vertov shows a socialist society where people live together as a community. He shows masses of people partaking and enjoying in same actions such as traveling, working and recreation. The demonstration of repetitious pictures of machines and lower social class of individuals is a clear indication of how people should live and operate like a machine. Each individual should carry out his or her duty in building the nation just like different parts of a machine work together fo r the machine to function properly. The actor also elevates the states of women. He does this by demonstrating how women and men work alongside each other regardless of their gender (Bordwell & Thompson, 2010). Influence on Modern Comedy from Bringing up Baby Bringing up Baby is the pioneer of screwball comedies. These comedies are usually in white and black. In such comedies, a repressed, upright or a stiff character is broken out of their shell by being sort after romantically by a similar type character. The comedy is usually characterized by escapist themes, farcical situations, fast-paced repartee and plot lines that include love, courtship and marriage. There is also economic struggle between different classes. Apart from these, they are usually very funny, ballsy and screwy (Bordwell & Thompson, 2010). Bringing up Baby was produced in 1938 and directed by Howard Hawkins. Starring includes a leopard, Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn. Just like screwball Comedy, Bringing up Bab y has a marriage plot in that Grant is planning to marry and is only missing intercostals clavicle. The night before he marry, he is supposed to force a lawyer donate some money to the museum. On his way to meet the lawyer, he meets Hepburn. Hepburn accidentally steals his car and golf, preventing him from going to the meeting (Bordwell & Thompson, 2010). Another influence that the movie has had on current comedy is use of females as main characters. Hepburn plays a dominant role in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Phonology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Phonology - Case Study Example And when producing pp, the lips will be stretched to produce y. The whole word is uttered in half a second. Elision: Elision is the loss of a phoneme. I.e. the omission of sounds (vowel/consonant/syllable), so that the speaker can simplify the pronunciation. This usually occurs in a fast speech and is normally unintentional. Allophone: Allophone is a phonetic variant of a phoneme in a particular language. I.e. it is one of the several speech sounds belonging to the same phoneme. A change in allophone does not alter the meaning, but rather makes the word sound non-native. Minimal pairs enable the linguists to build up the phoneme inventory for a language or a dialect. Though the words differ by only one segment, there may be wide variations in terms of articulation. However, most minimal pairs are considerably distinct and hardly pose inconvenience to the speaker or listener. Complementary Distribution: it is the mutually exclusive relationship between two phonetically similar segments. It exists when one segment occurs in one particular environment and the other occurring in an entirely different environment. Example: Consider the allophones [p'] and [p]. ... Example: Consider the allophones [p'] and [p]. [p'], the aspirated phoneme occurs when there is a syllable onset and is followed by a stressed vowel (as in the word put) and the unaspirated phoneme [p] occurs all other times. Here we see complementary distribution in similar phones. Every time it need not be allophones. For example,[h] and ['] are in complementary distribution, since [h] only occurs at the beginning of a syllable and ['] only at the end. Since they have hardly anything in common in phonetic terms, they are better considered as separate phonemes. Phonological conditioning and conditioning factors: Consider the words- cats, dogs, judges. The final sounds- /s/, /z/, /s/ occur after the sounds /t/, /g/ and /'/, respectively. When the distribution of the various allomorphs can be stated in terms of their phonemic environments, the allomorphs are said to be phonologically conditioned. Phonological conditioning is the most general and productive kind of conditioning of morphemic variants in languages. Phonemic overlapping: Biuniqueness: It is a principle which provides a one-to-one correspondence between phonemic and phonetic levels of analysis. A phonemic description is said to be biunique if phonemes and allophones are unambiguously mapped on to each other. Example: send and sent pronounced as /sent/ and seed and seat pronounced as /si:t/. Neutralization: phonemes that are contrastive in certain environments may not be so in all environments. In those environments where they do not contrast, the contrast is said to be neutralized. Example: consider the word sum: /s'm/. In another word, plumber: /pl'mb'/, since /m/ is followed by a plosive sound /b/, the contrast is lost. Archiphoneme: This is an abstract phonological

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

National Patient Safety Goals and Leadership Coursework - 1

National Patient Safety Goals and Leadership - Coursework Example As such, there is advancement in the level of leadership capacity as leadership development is incorporated at all levels of nursing education and actual practice both in the clinical and academic environments. With these qualities, individual nurses are able to make logical decisions in regards to the treatments given to patients while at the health facilities. The major issues related to the National Patient Safety Goals are ambulatory health care, behavioral healthcare, critical access hospital and home care. Ambulatory health care plays a vital role in managing emergency situations. Through evidence based practice it is clear that the role of health care given in case of emergency evacuation in the back of an ambulance plays a critical role in determining whether there is an improvement or deterioration in the condition of the patient. From past experiences, we can prove that ambulatory healthcare has an important role to play and has a critical role in improving patient

Monday, October 14, 2019

Festivals in Davao Region Essay Example for Free

Festivals in Davao Region Essay Held annually in the city of Tagum, Davao del Norte during February 21-27, Musikahan Festival also known as Musikahan sa Tagum, is a distinct cultural event celebrating Filipino excellence in music through composition, performance and production, providing the youth with more opportunities in the music industry as its goal. Local government of Tagum provides musical instruments to public schools aiming to amplify music appreciation and enhance the skills in performance of the youth in the field of music and prepare them for a bright future in music career. Also, Tagum City facilitates the participation of local barangay units in various music competitons not only to enrich cultural literacy but also as an opportunity to gain support in the development projects of local communities. Musikahan Festival is a weeklong musical celebration that also aims to promote Tagum City as the Music Capital of Mindanao and have now finally made a mark in the music scene as Department of Tourism have officially included the event as one of the countrys pride festivals .Already earning popularism, the city of Tagum plans to bid for a Guinness Record for the longest nonstop live concert in the world. Current holder of the title is Japan with a record of 184 hours. About 5,000 members of contingents from the cities of Cagayan de Oro, Malaybalay, Marawi, Cotabato, Butuan, and Davao, of participants alone not including the visitors, compete in various musical contests which is expected to triple the income of business establishments in Tagum City. Musikahan Festival also aims to provide employment and livelihood for the townspeople. The City of Tagum claims that visitors who would take part in the celebration will be the cause for the city to have substantial multiplier effect to its businesses for they are sure to buy goods in the markets. Revelers can avail food at reasonable prices as booths are scattered in almost every part of the venue during the Musikahan Festival. Holding of the event is also an opportunity for tourism investments for hotels and malls, which is continously flourishing along with the citys development. Among the festivals highlights are the Battle of the Bands which divided into three categories: Folksong / Acoustic / Bossa Nova, Reggae / Ska / Emo, and Pop / Rock / Alternative category, the Drum and Bugle Corps / Chorale Competition category, and the Marching Brass Band Competition. Kadayawan Festival From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The Kadayawan Festival is an annual festival in the city of Davao in the Philippines. Its name derives from the friendly greeting Madayaw, from the Dabawenyo word dayaw, meaning good, valuable, superior or beautiful. The festival is a celebration of life, a thanksgiving for the gifts of nature, the wealth of culture, the bounties of harvest and serenity of living. Indak-indak sa Kadalanan. Indak-indak sa Kadalanan. Kadayawan Festival 2012 Kadayawan Festival 2012 Kadayawan Festival 2012 Davao Events and Festivals Davao, Philippines offers visitors a rich array of events and festivals throughout the year that highlight its unique cultural identity and history. highlights the key events and festivals in Davao from month to month, providing visitors with a huge choice of possible choice to play that once in a lifetime holiday around. Each one brings to life why Davao is so representative of people from Philippines. Click the events and festival links below for further information. Davao has a busy calendar of events which includes both holidays that are celebrated by the entire nation and a variety of celebrations that are exclusive to the region. Religion plays a big part in local festivities, with the largest events generally revolving around Roman Catholicism. Below are the most popular festivals enjoyed across the Davao region. January New Years Day: Davao’s residents celebrate the arrival of the New Year with a day off work and the chance to relax and enjoy get-togethers with friends and family. Araw ng mga Natibo: otherwise known as the Day of the Natives, this distinctly regional event sees members of the Tagacaolos, Blaans and Manobo tribes come together to celebrate their respective cultures through performances of ethnic singing and dancing, and the unusual spectacle of horse fighting. February People Power Day: Davao’s residents join the nation in enjoying a public holiday in remembrance of the 1986 People Power Revolt. March Araw ng Dabaw: Davao City celebrates the historic event when the city received an official charter. For a week, the locals enjoy a variety of festivities including horse fighting, ethnic rituals, a beauty contest and grand parade. April Easter: Locals are predominantly Catholic and so attend Holy Week services, culminating in Mass on Easter Sunday followed by celebrations with family and friends. Bataan Day: Davao locals enjoy this national holiday in remembrance of those who gave their lives in battles against the Japanese for control of the Bataan peninsular at the start of WWII. May Summer Island Festival: the third week of the month sees this popular event based at Samal Island in Davao. Locals and visitors assemble to enjoy cultural performances, banca racing and water sports competitions. June Santacruzan: locals don brightly coloured outfits and re-enact St Helene’s discovery of the cross of Christ. The event takes place in the residential areas of Belisario Heights and Lanang, which can be found a short distance north of Davao City. Tabanogan Festival: the feast of St Peter is celebrated in Davao with a number of festivities, among the most notable being the kite flying competition in which locals showcase their talents in this age-old activity. Independence Day: the 12th of June is a national holiday and sees residents of Davao enjoy a day off work to celebrate the country’s anniversary of the Philippine Declaration of Independence from Spain. July Araw ng Davao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao Oriental: this is the annual celebration of Davao’s division into the three independent provinces of del Sur, del Norte and Oriental. A variety of festivities are enjoyed including horse fighting displays, beauty pageants and tribal dance performances. Filipino-American Friendship Day: the formal Declaration of Independence from the United States is celebrated across the country on the 4th of July. Davao residents enjoy a day off work. August Araw ng mga Bayani: otherwise known as National Heroes Day, this is a public holiday enjoyed by all on the 26th of August. Kadayawan sa Dabaw: in the second week of August, this festival is enjoyed by locals with a variety of events including a beauty pageant, ethnic performances, a fruit and flower show and more. September Osmeà ±a Day: this national holiday commemorates the now deceased fourth President of the Philippines, Sergio Osmeà ±a. October Ramadan: a small percentage of Davao’s residents are Muslim and therefore celebrate the Islamic month of abstinence called Ramadan. Locals eat sparingly and avoid indulgences of any kind for the duration of the period. November Eid ul-Fitr: the Muslim residents of Davao mark the end of the Ramadan period with get-togethers and family feasts. Bonifacio Day: the birth date of Filipino revolutionary leader Andres Bonifacio is celebrated by residents of the Davao region. December Lopez Jaena Day: the life of Graciano Là ³pez Jaena, one of the country’s most significant historic figures, is celebrated on the 18th of December. Christmas: beginning on the 15th of the month and lasting until the 31st, Paskuhan sa Dabaw is the country’s official Christmas season. The period is marked by a variety of festive events. New Years Eve (Bisperas ng Bagong Taon): is the official end of year celebration and sees a variety of festivities enjoyed across the Davao region. Davao City is particularly lively, holding various parties and putting on fireworks displays in a number of locations.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Jake Barnes as Hemingway Code Hero in The Sun Also Rises Essays

Jake Barnes as Hemingway Code Hero in The Sun Also Rises      Ã‚  Ã‚   The portrayal of heroism is an essential aspect of literature, and every writer delineates his heroes through their ability to triumph over adversity. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) consistently defined and distinguished his heroes through an echoing set of characteristics that form a characteristic "Hemingway Code Hero." A Code Hero is one that distinguishes himself by his ability to demonstrate grace under pressure, to adhere to a strong set of personal values and, most importantly, to live life to the fullest. In Hemingway's first novel, The Sun Also Rises (1926), the protagonist Jakes Barnes serves as a controversial example of a Code Hero. Jake fits into the category of a Hemingway Code Hero because he embodies the most significant characteristics of a quintessential Code Hero: he demonstrates his manhood through the ability to endure pain with dignity, he imposes order upon his chaotic world through personal values, and he attempts to enjoy the simple pleasures of life to add meaning to his existence.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hemingway characterized the Code Hero as "a man who lives correctly, following the ideals of honor, courage, and endurance in a world that is sometimes chaotic, often stressful, and always painful" (Dwiggins). The most essential characteristic of a Code Hero is the capacity to exemplify grace under pressure, and Hemingway continually placed his characters into unfortunate, and often tragic, situations to test their ability to survive. Hemingway's primary focus was therefore on the strained individual and his response to adversity. ... ... code, and to embrace every opportunity to its full potential are the vital characteristics that typify a Code Hero. Jake Barnes in The Sun Also Rises relentlessly strives to set the societal standard through his stoicism, morality, and action; therefore, his exemplification of these qualities characterizes him as a true Hemingway Code Hero.    Works Cited    Dahiya, Dr. Bhim S. The Hero in Hemingway. New Delhi: Bahri Publications, 1978.    Dwiggins, Mary. "Characteristics of Hemingway's Code Hero." 22 Jan. 2001. Millikin University. 5 Jul. 2003. <>.    Gurko, Leo. Ernest Hemingway and the Pursuit of Heroism. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1968.    Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1926.   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Progressive Era?s influence on the New Deal Essay example -- essay

The accomplishments taken place upon the onset of the many New Deal legislations owe much to the seeds implanted and unknowingly disseminated by the pre-WWI Progressive movement. Sparked by the new image as a world power, industrialization, and immigration at the dawn of the new century, a new found reform movement gripped the nation. With the new found image of the nation and world as a whole, the reforms advanced the position of the previously ignored people of the nation, as did its reincarnation and rebirth apparent in the New Deal. Although the first signs of this pristine Progressive movement shone since the mid-1800s, no one had cleared the way for its momentous effect upon the nation in the same degree as Theodore Roosevelt. Although at times hot-tempered and brash, his charismatic attitude pushed forward many of the original progressive legislations. For example, his Sherman Anti-Trust Act proposed the life of a trust should be based on its history and actions, since he believed â€Å"good† trusts existed along with â€Å"bad† ones. Next, the Elkins Act proposed railroads and shippers to offer rebates illegal. They also had to have fixed rates, and couldn’t change without notice. Also, the Hepburn Act gave ICC the power to set maximum railroad rates. Next, of course because of the impetus for reform provided by the many socialist writers, such as Upton Sinclair, was the landmark Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act, protecting the health and safety of consumable products a nd establishing the Food and Drug Administration. He also wished to preserve the untainted countryside, and established the National Forest Service and also strengthened the Forest Bureau. He also passed the Newlands Act which helped to create subsidies for irrigation in 16 western states. The actions taken by Theodore Roosevelt proved to throw the Progressive movement into the mainstream of the nation, showing its true, ingenuous face. When Theodore Roosevelt’s successor, William Howard Taft, failed to continue Roosevelt’s ongoing charismatic progressivism, both were bested by the newcomer, Woodrow Wilson. Although not receiving a majority in the vote, he, nonetheless, knew the country still ached for the progressivism it jubilantly basked in for so many years, which he called his "New Freedom." Immediately, Wilson went to work on what ... ...r labor issues of all ages, all fronts were attacked with full pride and confidence. Abandoned or diverted projects in the Progressive movement included many other reform issues that were reinstated during the New Deal. During the New Deal, legislations passed greatly improved the stature of many people who suffered great injustice prior to the Depression and especially during. The Progressive movement, at one time led by Woodrow Wilson and his crusade â€Å"triple wall of privilege,† compares directly to Roosevelt and his â€Å"three R’s,† both crusading for justice against the ignorance and deception taking place against the ordinary man. These everlasting accomplishments to improve the nation were all completed by the determination and perseverance of the reform groups of the Progressive era, which lay the groundwork for the New Deal, and Franklin Roosevelt, providing a resurgence for what the Progressive movement couldn’t accomplish. Resources: 1. 2. 3. American Pageant text

Friday, October 11, 2019

Impact of a major change at Blacks Essay

As I also stated in my introduction there have been many changes at Blacks recently in the last few months. Blacks are a fairly new business but have already become on of the UK’s leading suppliers of outdoor gear. Since opening they have generated high revenue and have been highly profitable every year. Every year Blacks beats the previous year in sales which shows that their market share is also increasing. As Blacks looked at their financial status at the beginning of the year and looked at their objectives there was suddenly an opportunity in the market. Competitor called Outdoors, who supply similar products to Blacks for camping was in financial crisis. The only way for Blacks to increase their market share is to close in on competitors. Blacks saw their opportunity and starting buying Outdoors’ shares. Before buying shares though Blacks approached Outdoors and asked if they would be willing to comply with a friendly take over, but they rejected hoping that there financial crisis would be resolved. It soon became obvious that they were in too much debt so Blacks seized their opportunity and bought them out. A hostile takeover was imposed and there was nothing the firm could do. They tried to resist the takeover bid but could not manage the finances. The board of directors did their best to ensure shareholders that their interests would be best protected with the current board but many fled They are now in the process of changing these stores into Blacks stores. The implication of this change has had a big effect on both Blacks’ employees and Outdoors’ employees. There were feelings of fear as to what will happen with so many job that and who would work in the new stores. In order to show compassion to the existing workers of Outdoors it was decided that they were going to keep the majority of workers and only make a few redundant that had little product knowledge or were just simply not needed. However the staffs were assured that changes would be made in the culture so as to meet the required level of customer service that Blacks offer. This caused some unrest as they resisted to changes Due to workers being let go some rumours got around through to Blacks stores that existing Blacks employees may have been dropped. However it was just a rumour that fizzled out and started with no real reliable source. This was one main change that happened at Blacks. Another was the change of manager at the beginning of the year. As I have already stated the change in manager has not been the best to date. The new manger has adopted an autocratic style of management. This leaves no space for ideas to be shared or any participation in decision making. As a result of this many workers were threatening to leave as before the manger had come we were constantly making bonus by reaching our targets. Since he came though, we have not been able to make target because the workers are de-motivated. Ways of handling Resistance to Change The new changes at Blacks have affected the natural order of things at the workplace, for example, new working practices will be introduced, staff have been made redundant and some staff may be re-located to new stores. This in itself will lead a natural resistance to change, so the question is: how should managers handle this resistance to change? I will propose six easy steps: 1. Managers should keep workers informed at each stage as to what is going to happen. This can be done by having: -regular staff meetings -regular discussions -issue bulletins -team briefings 2. Managers need to involve workers in the decision making process. This way it helps them to feel a part of the organisation 3. Take steps to avoid rumours spreading and misinformation circulating within and outside the company 4. Set up works council where worker representatives can meet with senior management and discuss issues pertaining to the future of the business 5. Invest in training to enable workers to cope with change, also offer counselling to the workers who may need to be made redundant 6. Review the organisational culture to ensure it fits with the future plans for the business

Thursday, October 10, 2019

I Search Paper Essay

â€Å"Falling in love is like being thrown from a horse; if you let yourself go it doesn’t hurt as badly as if you try to save yourself.† This quote, quoted by Edwin Blanchard, gives you a little taste on the meaning of love. Love doesn’t have just one definition like many people believe, it has many definitions. Love is very complex and is needed by every human being. It doesn’t mean one has to be romantically involved with another person; love comes from people and things not realized by others. Friends, family, spouses, pets, and belongings are just some examples of love. This brings me to my most interesting discovery of the word â€Å"love†. Love is very important to everyone and is all around us. Even if you are a 40 year old man who has never been in a romantic relationship with anyone doesn’t mean you have never experienced love or the feeling of it because you can love anything. By researching this word I have realized that I need love and I know that I will always have some sort of love in my life. Whether it’s my family, friends, pets, or my favorite heels. There is an endless amount of love in this world we live in and there is plenty to go around. The biggest difficulty with this word was defining it. There are many thoughts and opinions on the definition of love. I don’t agree with all but I found one that I believe to be very true. To me love is seeing someone at his or her worst and their best and still loving them with all their heart. It is accepting the person for who they are and not changing them. Love also includes attraction, physical and mental, but most importantly it involves commitment, respect, loyalty, and trust. You can not force these things upon people, it is a natural thing. Love has a lot to do with fate, which I believe in. The only reason why love cannot be forced is because fate will always lead you to your true love. When you find that person, you will discover that the love you have for that them is like some kind of attachment. They become a part of you and your life. Everything you do, you consider that one person. Love is all about caring for others. When you love someone you will do anything to make him or her happy, even if it’s just the little things. You will try to reach out to them every way that you can because you know it will make them feel some type of joy. Why would you want to do that for just one person to feel happy? You do it because you care about them and love them. Care and love are perfect synonyms for each other. You love someone because you care about them and you care about someone because you love them. Those feelings cannot be controlled. It might sound great to be in love but there are also many negatives to being in love. There are many things in this world that are mistaken for love, and manipulated as the actual thing. One person can love another person more than the other person could love that person. Obstacles can often get in the way of love. They can sometimes kill a relationship and the love you had for one another. It’s all about fate; what’s meant to be, will be. And what’s not meant to be will only lead you one step closer to the fate that was chosen for you. But just remember that everyone will eventually find their one and true love and will live happily ever after.

Down: Personal Life and Time Essay

In college it is easy to stray away from the main purpose, which is having a higher education. College years are supposed to include fun but not too much fun. There are many ideals to consider when trying achieving success in school. They way students manage their time and consume energy has an effect on the outcome of their success. Relaxation also plays a significant role in the turn out of school. The way I schedule my time will benefit me in the long run. I must set a schedule that gives me my daily routine and the time it has to be done. Even recording the time it takes to do it will help. Giving myself free time will allow me to still maintain my grades. For example, if an emergency were to occur, I would have time to fix the issues and still return to my studies. Another contribution is having ways to conserve energy. Sleeping for the right amount of time always seems to help me stay refreshed and rejuvenated. Sleeping allow you to be more alert in class and make better grades in class. The right foods will nourish my body and allow healthy benefits as sleep. I also try to find time to exercise at the YMCA for at least an hour. If I do not go to the YMCA I try to walk in my down time. Exercising will put the body in shape and keep my blood pumping, which is always healthy for the heart. Exercising moves the muscles so that I do not become weak overtime. If I do not use them I will lose them. The people that students surround themselves with will either help them or deteriorate their outcome in school. Throughout life they will encounter those who are there for a reason. It is their job to determine what that reason is. If they put themselves with people who only do bad things and have no set goals, you are bound to be like them. Of course no good would become of that. If they only hang around those who do good deeds and set an example of what an ideal student is, then you are likely to do so as they do. Students must find ways to relax and have a stress free college life. The other ideas that I mentioned earlier could assist with this like time management and energy level. How can someone have a stress free life? Well, in my opinion, I do not believe it is all the way possible to absolutely no stress whatsoever but there are ways to reduce it. These ways include staying out of drama. I try to make friends and always understand others point of view. By doing this, it lowers the chances of disagreements and fosters a better campus life. If grades and classes are what are stressing me out, then I enhance my study habits or find creative ways to know the material I am struggling with. If students have great ways to improve their chances in college then they will always help a little more than before. It will let them have the opportunity to say not only did they graduate but they did it with the least amount of struggle possible. College life may be simplified having a time plan in which things should be done, reserving energy and making sure one is stress free. These tactics will make a student a better person who has general success.